Luc 14 [Références croisées TSKe]
- Luke 14.1, Christ heals the dropsy on the sabbath;
- Luke 14.7, teaches humility;
- Luke 14.12, to feast the poor;
- Luke 14.15, under the parable of the great supper, shows how worldly minded men, who contemn the word of God, shall be shut out of heaven;
- Luke 14.25, Those who will be his disciples, to bear their cross must make their accounts beforehand, lest with shame they revolt from him afterward;
- Luke 14.34, and become altogether unprofitable, like salt that has lost its savour.
Versets de Luc 14
Lc 14.1 Lc 14.2 Lc 14.3 Lc 14.4 Lc 14.5 Lc 14.6 Lc 14.7 Lc 14.8 Lc 14.9 Lc 14.10 Lc 14.11 Lc 14.12 Lc 14.13 Lc 14.14 Lc 14.15 Lc 14.16 Lc 14.17 Lc 14.18 Lc 14.19 Lc 14.20 Lc 14.21 Lc 14.22 Lc 14.23 Lc 14.24 Lc 14.25 Lc 14.26 Lc 14.27 Lc 14.28 Lc 14.29 Lc 14.30 Lc 14.31 Lc 14.32 Lc 14.33 Lc 14.34 Lc 14.35
Chapitres de Luc
Lc 1 Lc 2 Lc 3 Lc 4 Lc 5 Lc 6 Lc 7 Lc 8 Lc 9 Lc 10 Lc 11 Lc 12 Lc 13 Lc 14 Lc 15 Lc 16 Lc 17 Lc 18 Lc 19 Lc 20 Lc 21 Lc 22 Lc 23 Lc 24
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